Monday, July 16, 2007

Domestic in the Dome

Yesterday the dwellers of the dome had a wonderful opportunity to showcase our domestic talents. It all started at the local Joann's, where we are fast becoming regulars. Fabric was chosen; thread was purchased. All in all we spent a lot of time milling around, but we had the time, since we opted to leave Roton at home for this trip (even though he really loves joann's fabrics, and joann's workers love him). Our next step: secure a sewing machine. This involved a trip to see the barn girls, where we got not one but two (!) sewing machines.

I had the pleasure of using the old beastly one, and Laura got stuck with the new white one. After two hours of trying to get each of our machines working we were finally in the curtain-making business! From there the sewing went quickly, and soon our windows were being covered with spectacular curtains, sewn by yours truly and the LG. I think we need to take a moment to realize what a great accomplishment this was for the dome, and for humanity in general probably. This was especially huge for Laura, being a first time sewing machine user!

Basically our domestic talents are amazing (who knew!), and you should really check out our window treatments on your next dome visit.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was Roton helpful in the great sewing event? I sure hope the Dome Domesticity Tour takes the form of brownies soon!