Monday, October 22, 2007


I got back from Texas this evening and was really looking forward to seeing Roton. He met me at the door, and waited patiently while I put my bags in my room. Then I sat on our large white couch and he jumped into my lap, where I petted and he purred. I was admiring his handsome furry forehead when I noticed a funny spot. Closer inspection revealed a huge white tick butt. UGH! After consulting the barn girls about tick removal protocol, I persuaded Meghan to holding Roton while I extracted the tick with tweezers. It was BIG. And gross. So we put it in a tupperware container and sent it down the river.

1 comment:

c h s said...

Another of God's creatures banished from the dome and set sail on the big water of death. Sad day.
